Being Part of the Ministry
One Challenge depends on God's provision of generous supporters, by prayer and giving. Your donations will encourage our workers, make it possible for us to do ministry and bring blessing to many people as their lives are changed. Jesus himself was blessed by individuals who supported him, so was the apostle Paul. Here are ways you can become a vital part of One Challenge's ministry.
Standing Order
Download a Standing Order Form for a UK bank account. Right click on the link to download the form to your computer. Full instructions are on the form.
Electronic Transfer
From 11 January 2018, we bank with CAF Bank, 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, WEST MALLING ME19 4TA
Account Name: OC International UK
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00031461
By Cheque
Make cheques payable to OC International UK and send to One Challenge, 14 Shirley Drive, Worthing, West Sussex BN14 9AX. Please tell us if you wish to have your gift allocated to any particular purpose.

Gift Aid
Gift Aid allows One Challenge to reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 donated by UK taxpayers. Like all charities, we can reclaim tax under Gift Aid on donations made up to four years before the date a Gift Aid form is signed and for any future donations you may make.
For multiple donations - past or future - download a Multiple Donation Gift Aid Form.
For a single donation, download a Single Donation Gift Aid Form.
Right click on the link and save the file to your computer. Full instructions are on the form.